Duke Nukem Music Pulled from Retro Game Music Bundle

Nukem Remixes

Copyright issues have unnatural Game Music Bundle to remove several soundtracks from its launch bundle.

For fans of old school games the Ex post facto Game Medicine Practice bundling offered a bang from the industry's past, selling previously unreleased game soundtracks that were bundled together and sold in different packages at varied price points. Altogether there were thirteen soundtracks open from a variety of classic PC franchises. Now, it would seem that several of the offered albums throw been cut out by the unfortunate forces of right of first publication law.

"You might notice that Duke Nukem 3D, Duke Nukem 2, Major Stryker, Cosmo's Cosmic Take chances, and the NUKEM 3D: Remixes album are currently non available," aforementioned Game Medicine Bundle in a blog post. "In that respect are now multiple people claiming rights to certain tracks within our bundled content. Because of this dispute we have disabled admittance to some contested content even though we can't be certain which claims are valid. We did this because it is of utmost importance to us that we offer official content with full respect to the authors' copyright." As frustrating as information technology may be for fans hoping to enjoy the pulled music, the conflict serves American Samoa a reminder of the interlinking nature of ownership in the back industry, especially when it comes to retro content. "One company power own the names and likenesses of characters, other might own the code, still some other might own the musical compositions or sound recordings."

While there is a hypothesis that the removed soundtracks could make up restored at a hereafter see, Biz Music Bundle currently isn't able to offer more inside information as to when that could happen or who is involved in the ongoing dispute. That said, it's working to make amends to customers potentially slighted by the issue. The group has already added three new albums to the Level 2 tier of its current bundle as is looking into other options to replace the mislaid content.

Source: Game Music Practice bundling


Source: https://www.escapistmagazine.com/duke-nukem-music-pulled-from-retro-game-music-bundle/

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