what grade does it change from learning to read to reading to learn?


Early lGirl and boy readingiteracy has proven to have a significant relationship with graduation rates across a variety of contributing factors.

According to research, third graders who are non reading at grade level are amidst the nigh vulnerable to drop out of school later.

A long-term study by the Annie E. Casey Foundation found that students who were not skilful in reading by the finish of third grade were four times more than likely to driblet out of loftier school than expert readers. In fact, 88 pct of students who failed to earn a loftier school diploma were struggling readers in third class.

Third form has been identified as of import to reading literacy because information technology is the final year children are learning to read, afterwards which students are "reading to learn." If they are not skilful readers when they begin 4th grade, as much as one-half of the curriculum they will be taught will be incomprehensible.

The question for states then becomes whether students who are not proficient readers by the end of 3rd class should be retained.

Course retention, more commonly known as existence held dorsum, refers to the exercise of requiring a student to remain at the same course level for a second school yr.

While some believe that retention can be damaging to a student socially and increase the chances of later dropout, others believe "social promotion," or moving on a student who is not at grade level academically to maintain their social development, can be just as harmful. States demand to consider the price of remediation for students that are socially promoted also as the costs of retaining students for an extra year of schooling.

High-quality early education programs provide an opportunity to get children on the right track by edifice a strong foundation for pre-reading and school readiness skills.

Research documents the importance of early experiences on brain development, and educators and policymakers at present have a deeper understanding of how to best foster young children'south learning. Research shows that participation in high-quality Early Care and Educational activity (ECE) programs including kid care, prekindergarten, Head Start and Early Head Start can increase children'south language and literacy skills before school entry.

There are many strategies for addressing early literacy, including aligning standards to enhance kindergarten readiness, improving pedagogy and instructor preparation and developmentally-appropriate assessment and interventions, such as educatee interviews.

What the Enquiry Says

Aligning Standards to Enhance Kindergarten Readiness

Prekindergarten standards should seamlessly align to the land's K-12 standards in lodge to enhance students' readiness for kindergarten. Many states have begun to embark on this endeavour by proposing chore forces and grants aimed at creating and/or improving standards for early care centers and preschool.

Instruction and Teacher Preparation

Strong content knowledge in early literacy development is of import for teachers in early on childhood instruction classrooms. These teachers are able to finer place struggling readers and appropriately differentiate didactics to heighten literacy outcomes. Instructor training programs should develop effective programming for pre-service teachers; for in-service teachers, targeted professional development is recommended. Numerous states take crafted policies requiring early on teaching certification for preschool and early on care service providers.


Age and developmentally advisable assessment for young readers has been recommended by researchers. Assessments should be limited in quantity and duration and be authentic and meaningful to students. Researchers besides point out that effective assessments should have a strong inquiry base, exist valid and reliable and serve iii primary purposes: gathering and using information to inform instruction, screening to identify students in need of intervention and for accountability purposes. Assessments in the areas of phonological awareness, letter and print knowledge and oral language proficiency are recommended.


Stemming from effective education and teacher grooming, effective interventions should exist targeted and student-specific. These interventions are constructive when they begin upon firsthand identification of struggling readers. When done finer, interventions have positive academic and social-emotional outcomes.

2018 Enacted Bills

  • Arizona House Pecker 2520: Adds requirements for exemption from memory for students non reading proficiently past the end of 3rd grade, likewise contains provisions related to the early literacy grant program fund.
  • Florida House Nib 7055: Creates reading scholarship accounts for students in grades three through five who scored below proficiency. Funds are disbursed to parents who can utilize them on qualifying expenditures including instructional materials, curriculum, tuition and fees.
  • Maryland Firm Bill 1415: Establishes the Maryland Early Literacy Initiative in the department of education.
  • Utah Senate Beak 194: Sets the state standard of children reading on or above course level past the finish of course iii at 60 per centum, requires the Utah State Board of Education to provide back up to a school district or charter school that fails to meet its early literacy goals. Requires local school boards and charter boards to set proficiency goals, decide strategies to attain their goals and to study their results.

2019 Enacted Bills

  • Alabama Business firm Neb 388: Establishes the Alabama Literacy Act to implement steps to ameliorate the reading proficiency of public schoolhouse kindergarten to third grade students and ensure that those students are able to read at or above grade level past the end of third grade by monitoring the progression of each student from one class to another.
  • Colorado Senate Bill 199: Requires that instructional programming and services for teaching reading exist focused on certain areas, including phonemic sensation, phonics, vocabulary development, reading fluency including oral skills and reading comprehension. Directs local education providers to adopt a reading teaching program programme for each school and requires that they report reading deficiency information on its student population online.
  • Maryland Senate Neb 734: Requires certain county boards of pedagogy to screen students for certain reading difficulties, including dyslexia.
  • Maine Senate Bill 204: Requires that a study on data specific to the language and literacy evolution of children who are deaf or difficult of hearing from birth to age 5 and on any language developmental milestones or parent resources used or disseminated by the department. Requires that a departmental task force be created to recommend linguistic communication developmental milestones for children and to develop a parent resource portfolio to monitor and track the expressive and receptive language conquering of children who are deafened or difficult of hearing.
  • Nevada Assembly Bill 289: Amends requirements related to literacy interventions and retentivity policies for third grade students. Requires that the primary designate a licensed teacher to serve as a literacy specialist and offer sure instructional options to parents or legal guardians of students who exhibit a deficiency in the field of study of reading.

2013-2019 Early Literacy Comprehensive Legislation (Introduced and Enacted)

  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2017
  • 2016
  • 2015
  • 2013-2014

Additional Resource

NCSL Resources

  • Early on Learning and Support Portal
  • Tertiary-Grade Reading Legislation
  • Hot Topics, News and Research in Early Education
  • Didactics Pecker Tracking Database
  • Legislative Education Staff Network
  • Early on Care and Education

Other Resource

  • Early Babyhood Pedagogy Program Evaluation-3rd Grade Literacy Outcomes (Augenblick, Palaich, and Associates)
  • Early on Grades Crucial in Path to Reading Proficiency (EdWeek)
  • Early Reading Proficiency in the Us (Annie E. Casey Foundation)
  • Early on Alarm! Why Reading past the Finish of Third Grade Matters (Kids Count)
  • The Campaign for Form-Level Reading
  • Third Grade Reading Policies (ECS)


Source: https://www.ncsl.org/research/education/pre-kindergarten-third-grade-literacy.aspx

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